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Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Oh hey, it's a brand new year. I'm looking forward to another year full of experience, inspiration and ideas. While 2011 was coming to an end, I went back to my parent's hometown in Penang and visited my grandparents, meaning no internet. I was 'disconnected from the world' for a week. I guess I got some inspiration in that duration without internet, did I?

Unfortunately for me, I slept through the new year fireworks and had to attend a funeral for my late aunt on the 1st. Even so, it's a memory I won't forget, probably the first time I cried on a new year's day.

Classes in college has resumed. Pretty early I guess and my birthday's around the corner, another year older huh. Not that exciting but I'm looking forward to hanging out with my friends this weekend and the birthday dinner with my family.

I had a lot of artistic plans for the December holidays but like usual, I got really lazy and left a painting of bacon strips in progress.

Whatever this year has installed for me, I can't wait!

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