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Friday, September 26, 2008


Recently, I just found out that my friend, Timothy had created a new blog. I was afraid it was going to be another boring and un-understandable blog but it was far more worse than I thought.

It was http://www.bronzetim.blogspot .com (do not enter unless you want to suffer from outrageous head blowing experience) and it's in my Links To Another Dimension section labeled as "Timothy A.N.'s second horrible blog".

I had known Timothy for 3 years now and I still can't get a word out of him. He speaks so randomly weird and strange that you only can catch about 1 or 2 sentences only. We also cannot understand him in our scout forum, it's so weird, I think no one can understand it!

Here's an example,

The tread topic is My favorite Camping activity.
In the previous post, Maverick said that we should do dancing during camps because during our Tenderfoot Camp, they only sang songs in the middle of the night with no one listening to them. Timothy replies,

Re: My favourite Camping activity
« Reply #54 on Jul 4, 2008, 8:24pm »
"Well if you say so but im not joining in the dancing part but i will do the part of the crappy storyteller"

Re: My favourite Camping activity
« Reply #55 on Jul 5, 2008, 6:58pm »
"Well I mean i will be the old man who gets kicked left and right by the bad guys but in the end wins the fight or dies telling a story or the "truth""

How on Earth does the second reply relate to the what ever he said previously?! It does not make any sense! There are more than a hundred more of those kind of posts in our troop forum and they can be so random, from, "the chalky rainbow is some how going to help us in this" in a news thread, and "u can use the Long Johns happy feet to fly over the moon" in a fire-making thread. And when we ask, he replies, "I trying to master the ways of speach the old people speak." (At least we understood that!) What kind of rubbish is that?! I can understand what the people talked about in those old black & white TV shows and movies, but I don't understand him! He is making up his own language, not old man talk!

So, when Timothy had one blog only, it was enough of a nightmare, but now, a second one appears, and it's a story! A boring long random story! I read just one sentence, I feel sick! It's exactly the same as listening to him talk about what ever he is talking about! I totaly don't understand what he is trying to express in that story, it's about war, and just like his nicknames, like Scarred Barred, Deadly Pork, Akasia, Little Puddles, Starusta and many more, he has weird names like Captain Tin Ton!

That's all I have to say, Timothy is a person who no one can completely understand. If he was not so errogent and stubborn, he could speak normal english and prevent us from getting headaches!




-MavericK- said...


Todric said...

I never had any nickname called Deadly Pork

Max said...

belive me buddy, u do, n u did.

Todric said...

no i didnt,i think you are turning old jian-yong if you think i ever used Deadly Pork

Max said...

go n check d Stories by 157th thread. mabye u r turing old timothy yourself.

Yap Chee Hong said...

XD x1000 very accurate post , very accurate jian yong...

Todric said...

What!!!!!im not going to the forum for a very long time,and no i never did use the name Deadly Pork.

Max said...

trust me, you did. Deadly Pork and Little Puddles appeared as a duo who got killed by Sylar in the story.