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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Anniversary Code: 157

On the last week of July on a Sunday (it's been awhile, I forgot the date) 157th Petaling Scout Group had an anniversary barbeque party at Yu Feng's apartment.

Thanks to my sister, the two of us got there an hour late. Well, not like anyone complained about it besides me.

When we got there, my sister and I were escorted to the poolside by a security guard. There were a whole bunch of kids playing, screaming and splashing about in the pool. In that instant, I identified them as the junior scouts in the troop and my gosh, there was like twice the number of juniors I have ever seen still in the troop at this time of year in my history of being in the troop.

I saw my juniors (the juniors I'm familiar with) and went over to them. Sean, Maverick, Kin Yen, Jia Jun, Yu Feng, Haziq, TV, Wern Kit, Darren, Jeremy, all of them were there (almost), it was great to see them again. Really took my mind off some stress.

I sat around with them and chit-chat a little. I'm still not that much of a talker I realised.

The anniversary was potluck themed so the juniors brought food from home. After buka puasa, we all helped ourselves to the food. It was dark by then. The rest of the night was just sitting around, eating until full and catching up with each other. Yee Ying, Dawson and Raymond was there too, they came later in the evening.

The night ended with a cake and a birthday song for the troop and also Jeremy's birthday. Thinking about it, there is a lot of history to me in the troop. Most of it was a sad nightmare that Dawson doesn't want the new generation of 157th Petaling wants to know, much like 37th's history too but seemingly worse. Never will I be thankful enough for the Hawk Rovers (Rover H) to come to our aid and rise our troop to what it is today.

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