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Friday, June 19, 2015

Little Lost Joy In Time

I just had a sudden realisation that there is a little thing of enjoyment that has been lost or forgotten in time. As a kid, I remember going to friends' houses just to play together or simply pass the time together, the enjoyment of each other's company was the key and the host didn't need to fully attend to the guest as they're good friends enough to not need be so formal with each other. That small piece of enjoyment is gone or not practiced anymore, this is just my opinion, I'm sure there are people out there who still do this but to my knowledge, this does not happen anymore among my circle of friends.

The idea of just chilling at someone's house, with not much agenda is a form of bliss to be enjoyed because it symbolises two friends spending time with each other without the distractions of other human elements. Nowadays when you hang out or spend time with friends, it's usually done in a group outdoors or in a mall where the people are at. There are distractions everywhere and intimate time isn't productively spent.

Out of all the time I spend alone at home, I'd sometimes wish that I had a friend over just chilling around or I'd be at a friend's house instead, we'd not need to be constantly talking to each other, just enjoying each other's company doing our own things together. One could be doing assignments while the other reading a book or playing some video games. The hum of the ceiling fan and the warm sun rays coming in from the window, birds chirping outside, then someone says, "I'm hungry.". I used to do that at my friend's house while I was still in primary school, every Saturday afternoon I'd go to his house and we'd maybe play games together or pass the time while he's doing homework. I miss that habit. Now everyone is either busy with their own life or it could be people taking the use of social networks for granted. To me, nothing beats spending time in person together, it doesn't matter what you're doing, time spent together is precious time and precious time makes precious memories.

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