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Monday, April 27, 2009


Whee~ HA!

We finally got to do cool stuff in the biology lab! Dissecting a frog! We were suppose to do this activity last year but we did not for some unknown reason.

Anyway, our group, consisting of Xin, Ken, Beng, Joshua, Jak and I had discussed who should buy the frog. We kept pushing the job around for weeks until the last day, Xin went to some restaurant and bought one bull frog.

And guess what?! He named it Fat Eddie and decided to save it instead of dissecting it!

After assembly, we went back to class first to put our bags down and we started comparing our frogs to see who's is larger. Of course, Fat Eddie won, second was Karj's Alexander who he also did not want to dissect it. Sam agreed to give Karj and us his two extra frogs and we went to chloroform our frogs. Xin played around with Fat Eddie and the new frog. We first watched Kelly's group perform their dissection on their little froggy. It was really neat and tidy like any girl job. Hahaha.

We were the last to chloroform our frog and it was a slow process because it was kinda big as well. While we waited for our frog to die, I went to look at Karj's session and hell, it was horrible. Karj's frog was already dead from the beginning because it's ribs were crushed, so Karj got impatient to get the heart and cut off the frogs head and stuck his fingers down the revered part and yanked the heart out. Then he started cutting the frog here and there exploring the insides of a frog. Extremely gross! But cool at the same time! Yeah!

When our frog K.O.ed, we started the procedure by pinning it to the dish thingy and then Xin took control of the dissection. I took pictures and videos instead using both Xin's and my camera. When we just cut open the stomach, thick black substances started pouring out. Teacher told us to continue cutting and we found more of this black substance. I noticed that the substance had little white dots in them and we found out that these were eggs! There were every where! Under and around every organ! It was like some kinda slime that sludged an area of a factory or something! After digging out the eggs, we proceeded to find the heart. The camera had died so I wasn't doing anything and teacher asked me to try. Xin and Yubs found the heart and we had to cut one of the veins that hold the heart in place. Teacher gave me the scissors and told me to cut it. But instead, I cut the heart and blood oozed out. Darn it!

We were the last to finish so after cleaning up, we left the lab as the next class came into the lab. Aaron from 5C saw us and got excited. Hahaha, the chain of excitement.

Xin playing around with Sam's frog, got a lot of attention and got Kelly and the gang laughing.

Aaahh!! Biambia!! Ohhmalueh.... It's Simba! I mean, the frog!

Doctor Xin in da house!

Skinned. You can see the color produced by the eggs on the muscular layer.

Argh! Eggs!! They felt soft, and sticky. I remembered someone tasting it.

Gross out! Frog eggs all over the place!

The mad doctors, (left to right) Peter, Timothy, Karj and Zack with their masterpiece.

See the frog's head?

Karj's masterpiece, "upgraded".

Video of Sam's group's successful heart extraction!

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