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Friday, November 27, 2009

2 Minutes Too Much

Yesterday I went to KLCC Convention Hall (or whatever it was called) because the property fair was held. We went around looking at housing areas that are being built, etc., blah, etc. and there was this Dulux whatever having this challenge. I guess it was just for the fun of it because if you can beat the time limit, you'll get a lame prize and that's it.

So what was the challenge? You won't believe it, it's a Rubik's cube challenge where you have two minutes to complete one side. What the right?! I can finish at least two whole Rubik's cubes in two minutes. Well duh, two minutes was because the people who were at the property fair were mostly adults and tiny kids so it's for the majority of people who can't cube. Well this is where it gets disappointing, the cube they want you to finish is a freaking suck cube. The sides turn worse than any other fake Rubik's cubes I've touched before. It squeaks with every turn and it was 99.99% not lubricated because turning it required strength. I finished one side in 46 seconds which mad me really disappointed because I could have finished one whole cube in that time (my average is 48 seconds). The prize I got? One of there suck cubes that has the words "Dulux" on every white sticker and a obviously copy-printed Rubik's Cube logo on the center yellow tile. Now I'm not gonna touch that cube unless necessary, maybe for experimenting on making different puzzles. Hehe.

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