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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Faster For The Better

I played with my Rubik's cube last week after weeks of not touching it and I thought about trying to reverse some of the algorithms. Though, one worked and the other failed because it won't work in reverse.

The next day at tuition, Sue Yin told me about solving the cube faster by reversing some algorithms but the algorithms she told me about was the one I did not test on. Whoopie!

Now, my new record of solving the 3x3x3 Rubik's cube is 43.53 seconds! My first try resulted 48.73 seconds the second, 46.62 seconds and the I sorta stopped at 43.53 seconds, but hey! I got faster by 10 seconds! It's a new record! Without Fridrich! I'm confident that I can reach 40 seconds! Yes! I can do it!

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