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Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year 2015

It's the New Year of 2015. More brooding uncertainties to come. Time to review my boring yet eventful life of the year 2014.

The past year sure has been eventful. Besides officially graduating from college and feeling utmost lazy from studying, I got my first job at a retail outlet. Sure, it's got nothing to do with my line but it was a fun and eye opening experience at work. On top of that I feel that I've matured a lot more working at the outlet. I learned about business, staff management, merchandising and a bunch of other work related stuff. I also learned a lot of things about myself. Lots of self reviewing there.

For the New Year celebration, which wasn't that much of a celebration, Lydia, Ryan, Calvin and I went to the Curve to see the fireworks. We met up after work and walked there together. We were early so we went to Ikea to grab some curry puffs and we chatted for a while. After that we went out to try and catch the fireworks. We were not sure where the fireworks will be let out from so we went out towards the Surian tower where we thought we could see the whole sky. It was a whole half an hour of standing around waiting for something to happen. And then suddenly fireworks. No countdown, nothing. Just suddenly fireworks started firing. But guess what, we can't see the fireworks because it was on the opposite side and it was pretty low. Lydia asked if we should go over but as the fireworks were displayed, people started going over which discouraged us to join in. We also thought there would be bigger ones but after two rounds of aerial explosions, nothing. Feeling disappointed we went back home.

Happy New Year. Yay. Another year older, not a little bit wiser. Cheers.

Lazy post is lazy.

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