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Monday, May 18, 2009

Teacher's Day

The school could not come up with a better idea and made Teacher's Day on our exam day.
To make sure all the students would come on Teacher's Day not to skip school on it. I'd say it's a terrible excuse.

When I got to school, the prefects had chased away the form 5s from our sitting area and the teacher's chairs were placed there. We hanged around the spot where we usually sit and the prefects chased us away again. So Josh, Marcus, Ken, some other friends and I had to sit in the corridor. It was the same place we sat last year and Marcus was bringing it up and comparing the situation of this year's and last.

The event started with the people from KDU giving the trophies to our winners in the previous event, the math and science competition at KDU. But guess what, the students over at the tapak was not paying attention when they were giving away the prizes. Guess they are too poor to pay attention. (Got the catch line? XD)

After that, the school band played to songs and then the boring speeches came in. We bored through the speeches and then the officiating of SMKBU(3)'s Teacher's Day was made. Sparkling juice was used instead of champagne and the school board members poped the corks out. I was then telling Joshua about how dangerous it is to used the idea because people die of champagne corks more often than being killed by sharks and how the impact of the corks can kill.

So after that, the show begins. There was the choir group and Timothy's solo. The cheerleaders were performing too. Aida also did a small part in some ballet duo. There was also a few singers and dancers. At the end there was a charades game for the teachers. After all that, Teacher's Day ended. Then, the upper secondaries have to go for exam. Haih...

I was so tired during the exam I actually slept through it! I woke up a few times to answer the questions and kept falling back to sleep over and over again. Well, it was moral, so I'm pretty sure I'll fail it already, with hard-to-answer questions like, What can you do to prevent our country from losing it's independence?. How on Earth do I answer that?! And it's got two marks for two answers! How the Hell?! All I could write was, "I can prevent our country from losing it's independence by celebrating Independence Day." Then I left the other empty.

After that, I felt really bad because of the bad sleep I had and the feeling that I did not finish looking at the whole paper. I was in Nagato Yuki mode until I got home and then my computer cheered me up. Hahaha.

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