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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Archers Of The Epic

Today after an epic class of Malaysian Studies, Chia and I went to Sunway Pyramid to pass the time because my dad was gonna get me late. Chia went to cut his hair so I went to try and use the Wi-Fi but failed. As I wondered back to Asia Avenue to find Chia, a Chia with a new hair style was in the distance. We then walked around doing nothing because I thought my dad was about to arrive soon but he called me and said that he'll be later. Chia bought some snacks to eat as we walked some more and finally stopped at Anime Tech to watch Law Of Ueki. After about 2/3 of an episode, suddenly, Mal and Nick came up behind us. They were joking that after they came up the escalator, they'll see Chia and I at the bottom but instead we were on top. Hahaha. They said that reason being, we were bumping each other a lot and even eating in the same restaurant by coincidence about three times already.

Nick told us that Laksh and gang were coming to meet us so we stood outside Anime Tech and watched Ueki a little longer and then Laksh, Cardin, Jean, Wee, Natalie, Apple, and some guy I've never seen before came. Turned out that Nick wanted to introduce archery to us and invited Laksh to play at the archery shop next to Anime Tech. I was reluctant at first but then I gave it a shot after Laksh convinced me to play. So, Nick, Mal, Laksh, Cardin and I paid for one game. Chia and the others watched but then they left leaving Chia. It was cool, I actually feel like going there again. Hahaha! I did not get to hit any part of the yellow circle which is the center part of the target, all I hit was the surrounding and most of them were concentrated on the left. Hahaha.

After the game, we gave ourselves each nicknames after famous archers because Laksh's name fitted the name Legolas resulting, Legolaksh. Nick became Nicktiri (Neytiri) or Artemisaki (Artemis), Mal is Malinkni (Link), Cardin is Cardin Hood (Robin Hood) and I am Williamax Tell (William Tell). *Thanks to Mal for the nickname list. Hahaha.

Thanks to Nick for giving us the boot to archery! Woot! I wanna go play again!

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