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Monday, October 4, 2010

Brain Blasted

Yeah. That was what it felt like after Mr. Anderson said those few words in class today. Today during the tutorial on Culture & Society in Malaysia class, Mr. Anderson talked about knowing our culture or tradition and the differences between "culture", "tradition", "habit" and "ritual". He did some examples as so to asking us how can we prove ourselves who we are if we lose our identification card and all the evidence to identify ourselves. I had no answer to that but what Mr. Anderson said really punched a hole in my head and cleared out my long term writers block that I had for years.

"The thing is, you do not understand yourself; you do not know yourself; if you do not know yourself, understand yourself, how the fuck can you educate the future generation? How can you tell them what to do and what not to do?"

Within the whole sentence, during his speech, I could not help it but to smile. A single sentence from the mouth of 'God' himself, blew a hole in the block that was suffocating this 'pipe' in my head that was clogged for almost two years.

"Do not understand yourself; do not know yourself" was the key to my writers block to a story about highschool kids with secret backgrounds. All I thought about was 'people not completely knowing another person's background' and I completely forgot about 'people not knowing their own self' and I have read all sorts of books (and manga) and watched all sorts of anime that has this theme, 'not knowing him/herself'. I got so happy I could not eat. I still ate anyway but not much. Soon, I'll be developing this idea of mine into detail. From the bottom of my hearth, I thank the almighty Mr. Anderson for this breakthrough even though he has no idea that he helped me a lot.

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