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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Short Blog Posts Are Short

A short little update.

Well, I got a carpet burn last Friday. I wasn't that serious and it was pretty much healing until yesterday, while I was on my bed, I accidentally burnt that same carpet burned wound and the whole patch of skin tore off and blood spilled everywhere! It's a bloody! My bed got stained red and chaos happened! I screamed and panicked and shouted and hollered screamed and screeched and wailed and screamed and roared and shrieked and shrilled and screamed and yelled and danced and did I mention screamed? It was madness!!!

Of course, I did not do that. I just got pissed at myself and washed the "refreshed" wound. Luckily no blood dripped anywhere but there were tiny rolled up balls of healing-but-now-dead skin. My mom helped me put on some gel to heal it because I don't have a clear view of the whole wound as it's at my elbow. Later on, pus started drooling out. It was disgusting! I didn't care and let the gel dry and went to sleep.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm gonna sleep over at Wee's with Chia and then on Thursday I'll sleep over at Wilson's with everyone else in my final drama group! Chia, Wee, Kai, Laura, Mal and I will be sleeping over at Wilson's! Yay~ This will the first time I got to sleep over at someone's house with girl friends. Usually it's only guys and the only girls wouldn't be girl friends but rather sisters or something. Ha! I'm so excited! ...I guess?

In the end, short blog post is not short.

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