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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Run, Human, Run

What do you get when you cross flimsy limbs and a track team runner? QWOP.

What the heck is QWOP? No, it's not Quick Water Our Plants or Quit Wasting Organic Poo nor Quinn's Wonderland Of Pantyhose.

QWOP is this running stimulation game that uses the four keyboard keys, Q, W, O and P to make the avatar run by controlling the thighs and the calves. Simple isn't it? That's what you would think but hell no, it's hard. Personally I can't even make the avatar run like a normal human being.

Even so, I manage to get a score of 22.8m and the lowest being -2m. All the flailing and leg bending, ouch! Yeah. At times when the avatar falls, his legs bend in awkward positions, it's painful to look but funny at the same time. Imagine your leg spinning in a 360 degree turn upwards, like you don't have a knee and it bends upwards. Ouch.

Well if you're up for it here's the link: http://foddy.net/Athletics.html

Showing real courage, you ran 0.8 meters. Everyone is a winner.
What the hell...

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