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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

He's black. He's white. He's gone.

Yup, it's the infamous Micheal Jackson I'm talking about. The news about his death had really rocked the world and probably everyone on Earth is crying over it. I was shocked to hear that the black turned white King of Pop had died when I was in school. Since that day till now, MJ's songs have been playing on the radio and in my friends mouths over and over again. Sam is singing in class more than every now and he keeps getting the urge to dance. He was doing Beat It non-stop today. Xin and Yubs were sad over it and Josh have been making up random stuff about MJ. For someone who is not much of a fan, I just felt sad that the King of Pop had left us but also I felt happy for him because I believe that he was suffering while still living. My mom told me about the past when MJ's songs were a blast and how they (adults) grew up with them. The first thing I can remember clearly in my mind about MJ's music videos is Earth Song and the first thing that comes to my mind is the part where MJ is holding on to two trees and screaming, "Ahhhhh!!!" in melody. That music video was also the first song I've heard by MJ and I liked it in two ways, in the past, I liked it because I thought that the trees and animals going in reverse was cool, and now, I like it because MJ was giving everyone the message about the problems Earth is facing (Animal extinction, pollution, war, etc.). Many years later, I watched music videos like Smooth Criminal, Beat It, Thriller, Man in the Mirror and Remember the Time. My mom told me I've watched Black or White but I can't seem to remember it. Haha. There were many things I liked about MJ's music because they either had cool and amazing dance moves (moonwalk, anti-gravity lean) or they had a meaning to it or they had some really cool CGI effects. Looking at MJ's dances, I think he was the root for most dances we see today like break dance and robot (A good video is Remember the Time). In the papers, people have been writing in talking about MJ and the challenges he had faced throughout his career and life. I think all the bad things about MJ are fake. Anyway, here's to Micheal Jackson, the King of Pop.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I Wanna Dance On A Telephone

Life's so silent,
the sky's so starry.
I take a step,
and lie on the grass.

The night's silent,
it's so boring.
I close my eyes,
into the world.

I talk your hand,
we whispered distances.
I take to you,
we travel in the dark.

The clock is singing,
I wanna fly on a lawn gnome.
The birds are ticking,
I wanna dance on a telephone.


The snoozing is the young boy,
the snoring is the old man.
The tapping is the dancer,
the singing is the singer.

What makes this world different?
What makes the night so nice?
The dog is asleep,
the boy is the same.
The birds are asleep,
the girl is the same.

Night is wonderful,
wonderful is the sky.
How I want to lie under the stars with you,
forever in this silent night together in the peaceful moment.


5x5x5 Edges Only Rubik's Cube


Whoot! I watched Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen with Yati, Xin, Josh, Marcus, Ken and Yubs yesterday. Yati, Marcus and I met up at MPH first and then we got to Ken and bought him the ticket for the movie as Josh's sister bought six tickets for us earlier and we were short of one. After that, we hit the pool table and played two games while Yati went to grab an early dinner and Josh, Yubs and Xin soon came. We then went to grab our food and headed into the cinema hall. I was disappointed because we went in late and missed all of the trailers except for G.I. Joe. We met Calvin, CY and Aaron in side (What coincidence! They sat in front of us!). The movie was great. The special effects were awesome and the fighting scenes were neat but it did not satisfy us. The story line was not good enough and some of the characters were under used and/or disappeared in the middle of the movie and some even had really short screen time and some without and intro of the name (Sideways, The Doctor, Scorponok, Alice, Soundwave, Ironhide, Jolt, Wheelie, Sideswipe, Ratchet, etc.). Also, The Fallen was so quickly defeated within seconds. What we agreed on is that the first movie was really good and we had too much expectations on the second. Hearing about a third installation had got us excited again. Haha. After the movie, Yati and Marcus zoomed off for tuition class and Yubs went to have dinner with his family. Ken, Xin, Josh and I agreed to have dinner at Esquire Kitchen. After dinner, we spent the time looking around in Parkson. I feel like buying a Transformer toy. Hahaha.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Questions I ask myself

1) Why do I exists?
2) What's my purpose in life?
3) What's the meaning of life?
4) Why 42?! (Referring to Question 3)
5) Why do I always see the number 21?
6) Why am I who I am?
7) How long will I live?
8) Why do I feel the presents of ghosts?
9) Why can I see them sometimes? (Referring to Question 8)
10) Why do I hear sounds that others don't?
11) Why do I like her?
12) Why have I not given up on her?
13) Why can't she just tell me the truth?
14) Why am I such a fool when she's around?
15) Why is this world so boring?
16) If the brain tells us what we experience, what would it be like if our brain tricked us?
17) Why do humans lie?
18) Am I friendly?
19) Why am I always shy when meeting new people or people I don't always talk to?
20) Why am I most shy when talking to girls?
21) Am I trustworthy?
22) Do my friends treat me truthfully?
23) Why do humans pretend to be nice?
24) Am I a good friend?
25) Do people have things to say about me?
26) Why doesn't anybody insult me?
27) What goes through a girl's mind?
28) What goes through another person's mind?
29) Why did I think of these questions?
30) Why isn't there any accurate answer to these questions?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Absolute Disappointment

I am so damn disappointed in the Weekly Shōnen Jump for cancelling the manga series Mx0 (Emu x Zero) last year. I can't believe that they cancelled Mx0 just because of the low ratings received by readers in Japan. Mx0 was amazing! It had a great depth in story and nicely drawn characters with amazing characteristics. This is the biggest disappointment of all in my manga life! How can they do that! I don't like the way Jump works with cancelling low rating manga just because it did not get a good response. The manga just came to a sudden stop right at the most exciting part! The title even showed that it was suppose to run longer! The ending was right in the beginning of a new arc! And that new arc had no signs of coming to an end compared to the recently finished Eyeshield 21 that had obvious signs that it has come to an end. Mx0 was one of the best manga about magic in my Top 10 list! And it's the ONLY one in my list! I never really liked magic-related manga like Happiness! or Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha or even Moetan as they just are harem and moe-filled mangas (but I do love moe~!!). But Mx0 is different! It's now my inspiration to draw better and make better names and great scenes! The cancellation is a total heart breaker for an otaku like me! Why would Jump do such a thing?! Referring to Bakuman, mangas survive by getting lots of votes from the readers. I don't agree with such a thing! Never! Even before I read Mx0! While reading Bakuman, I realized that just because you don't get high ratings, you're manga is as well as dead. Why is that so? Just because you're close to loosing or dying it doesn't mean it's the end for you right? You can still get back up and fight! Isn't that what mangas always have?! Almost dying or almost loosing characters continue to fight and at the end will win. Looking at the manga that ran with Mx0, there were too many potential manga in it's way but still, there were a bunch of manga which I think should have been in Mx0's place! (For example, Toriko, I don't like the story line! It's too typical and boring! It's like a Yakitate!! Japan rip-off!) But still, tough opponents like One Piece, Bleach and Naruto are unstoppable from being in Top 30. I may not know at what place did Mx0 get that had it getting cancelled but I still think it's unfair! If I had the power to, I will make Mx0 a running series again and I will read it until a happy ending is achieved! Not a crappy half cut ending which came too sudden! I am very unsatisfied and very annoyed by the cancellation! I can honestly say that through January 2008 and May 2008, there were a bunch of manga I think was not worth reading and voting! What's more, after Mx0 and Hatsukoi Limited were forced to stop, Toriko came in! WTF!! I feel so disgusted by this! It's something I can never accept! I want Mx0 to continue!! I want to continue to feel the happiness of enjoying an amazing manga you cannot find around the corner! YARGH!!

(Luckly Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) is still running or I would've gone berserk. Never give up! Manga forever!!)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

One evening, one movie

Today I went to watch a movie with my sisters. Guess what? The movie was free.

It was at Tropicana City Mall and the GSC was new, so they had this thingy where we get to watch free movies by just redeeming the tickets. I watched Confessions of a Shoppaholic with my sisters while my parents watched Ip Man. How unfair! I wanted to watch Ip Man but my sisters draged me into watching the girly movie with them. But overall it was ok. Out of 5 stars I give 2 and a 1/2 for the movie. I guess I almost cried at the part where Rebecca had to sell her clothes in an auction, it was so hard for her to give them away for cash, it's like selling my Rubik's Cubes and puzzles!

This is the first time I've watched a movie with my sister without my parents. Huh... They were quarreling before the movie started because my youngest sister was making us slow as she is the immature-retarded-irritating-andthelistofbadthingsgoeson person or the odd ball of my family.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Omg!! This song rocks! The graphics are great too! Go Miku~!!

Heige Wan An One

It has become global,
what are you gonna do?
It has now become unstoppable,
it's no use hiding in the loo.

If you're not that knowledgeable,
you can check it up in Yahoo.
If it's not available,
you can use Google and Wiki too.

We need to think of something applicable,
to stop this killer flu.
To stop the spreading we need something capable,
Quarantine all the people in the countries like a zoo.

The virus floats around us all invisible,
it makes us worry every time someone goes, "Ha-CHOO!!"
Pigs are somewhere kept away in a stable,
That doesn't mean N1H1 is kept away from you!

Lets hope that the N1H1 virus won't reach us and leave soon. Remember to always stay clean and eat healthy foods. See the doctor if you feel uneasy and stay alive!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Hahaha!! My Rubik's Magic turned from a 2x4 into a 1x8! Hahaha!! I hope it won't come apart as I don't have enough strings to reinforce it.


Fail, fail fail.
Getting hit by a nail,
Like getting rolled over on a rail,
Or getting hit by a great big pail.

Fail, fail, fail.
Small digits fall on me like hail,
It just makes my face turn pale,
Confidence turns into ashes and then I turn stale.

Haih... I think I've failed most of my exam papers this term. What I can't believe are the silly and careless mistakes I made! It's a great big nightmare I don't wanna see. I think the only subjects I passed so far are Malay, English and Civics! I had so much confidence in my add math and now that confidence is crushed into tiny bits of powder to be vacuumed up by monstrous beings called "Teachers"! How am I gonna pass my SPM now?! Luckly I'm not that retarded or I'd loose all my convidence to that stupid monthly exam. Pah! What I wanna do now is relex and enjoy life. What I wanna do in the future has got nothing to do with what I'm studying now. It's all a waste of time to cry and emo over this kind of failers. To just make it up for the adults I just gotta work harder and do well in my trails but I don't think I'll do well as there is no such thing as going well in school exams. Haha!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Some Vintage Puzzles

A lost? Maybe


I broken my Rubik's Magic while solving it...

Well one of the strings snaped actualy...

I wonder if I should buy a new one and make my current Rubik's Magic turn into a 1x8...

Or I should just fix it...


I want 2 Rubik's Magics...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

All Tougher Rubik's Puzzles - By CustomCubes


I have no idea why Melvin said that the Rubik's 5x5x5 cube is harder than the 4x4x4. I think it's a lot more easier! (Well, theoretically all cubes are equally easy...) The 5x5x5 is a lot more flexible and easy to "manipulate" at the edge cubies therefore edge paring is easier compared to the 4x4x4. On the 4x4x4, I face problems like having the an edge turned the other way around (meaning it's suppose to face up but it faceses down), having two coner cubies switched (meaning there is no way swapping them back and avoiding messing up the cube) or both (my worst nighmare on the 4x4x4).

Now that the 5x5x5 is mastered, I want the 6x6x6! Muahahaha!!!
Oh, and I'm done with Rubik's Magic and also the Bump/Mirror Blocks Cube. Sigh~

A survey

Got this from Sue's blog.

What is on your bed right now?
Pillow and boaster.

When was the last time you threw up?
I think it was 5 years ago...

What's your favorite word or phrase?

Name 3 people who made you smile today?
Me, myself, my dog.

What were you doing at 8 am this morning?
Sleeping. Duh.

What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Making lunch with my sister and mom.

What is your favorite holiday?
Dunno. Maybe Christmas.

Have you ever been to another country?
Singapore, Australia, and many other countires I don't remember having been there.

What is the last thing you said aloud?

What is the best ice cream flavor?
Vanilla with chocolate chips. Hmm~

What was the last thing you had to drink?
I dunno, I think it was Sarsi. Go it from Anything.

What are you wearing right now?
A shirt, pants, and underwear. Duh.

What was the last thing you ate?

Have you bought any new clothing items this week?
Would I even do that?

When was the last time you ran?
2 days ago at 1Utama.

What's the last sporting event you watched?
Beijing Olympics. When was that?

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Who is the last person you sent a comment/message on myspace?
I don't have your space.

Ever go camping?
Duh! What kind of question is that!?

Do you have a tan?
Duh! I'm a scout!

Have you ever lost anything down a toilet?
Yeah. Everytime I go there. Shit and pee.

What is your guilty pleasure?
What's that?

Do you use smiley faces on the computer alot?
Guess so...

Do you drink your soda from a straw?

What did your last text message say?
"Thanks darling! You were great help! Love you! Muax. XD"

Are you someone's best friend?
Dunno. Ask my friends.

What are you doing tomorrow?
A 6 hour ride to Penang.

Where is your mom right now?
At the dinning table reading the papers.

Look to your left, what do you see?
My super messy desk, dusty window, rain, Rubik's cubes, CPU, bags, my dog on the table... What!?

What color is your watch?
Don't have one.

What do you think of when you think of Australia?
Koala bears. Ooh! So cute!

Ever ridden on a roller coaster?
Yeah. I wanted to barf.

What is your birthstone?
Granite, I think... Gross...

Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive tthru?

Do you have any friends on myspace that you actually hate?
I said I don't have your space!

Do you have a dog?

Last person you talked to on the phone?
Wei Liam.

Any plans today?

Are you happy?
Why shouldn't I?

Where are you right now?
In front of my desktop at home...

Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
That guy! And my sisters.

Last song listened to?
Manatsu no Jouken - Base Ball Bear

Last movie you saw?
Monsters vs Aliens in 3D

Are you allergic to anything?
Yeah. Want me to be specific? Nose is allergic to dust and my arms are allergic to metal.

Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?

Are you jealous of anyone?
Why should I?

Are you married?
Hahaha. Nice one. Oh, you were serius. Sorry, no.

Is anyone jealous of you?
Maybe, maybe not. I dunno. Oh! Yeah. That guy!

Do any of your friends have children?
I think so...

Do you eat healthy?
What do you think? Of course not, I live to eat babe.

What do you usually do during the day?
Sleep, day dream and imagine things~

Do you hate anyone right now?
Why should I?

Do you use the word 'hello' daily?
More like 'Yo'.

How many kids do you want when you're older?
How good am I in bed?

How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
18. Crap, can't put 'Sweet' in front anymore.

Have you ever been to Six Flags?
What on Mars is that?

How u get one of your scars?
Medical treatment removing pus.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Random poem about Sean

Sean eating mee,
while watching tv,
waiting for a kiss from me.

Sean happily,
smile at Kaili,
and Kaili drove her car over me.

Sean specially,
made some honey,
using his shit, oh, so funny.

Sean is dirty,
he went so horny,
he went to Red Light District to find a lady.

Random that's Seany,
not as random as Mavy,
lame he is, he is also fishy.

Because I had nothing better to do on this blog

Congratulations for even bothering to change the font into something that you can read. Oh well, since you had the heart to do so, I'm just gonna talk about my boring life of waking up everyday and not experiencing anything out of the ordinary. Why does this world must be ruled by the simple boring Law of Physics?! It's just so darn boring! Why can't a time traveler just appear before me and say that I am God? Or getting almost killed and getting a super ability from some unknown girl with a weird name? Or waking up and finding myself in a world full of strange creatures that I have to catch using balls and battling other people using those creatures? Or find myself transferred into a village full of insane people who kill each other and not getting found out by the police? Even if it won't happen to me, why can't it happen to the surroundings?! Like a giant meteor hitting my school and destroying it! Or Earth getting terrorised by aliens from another galaxy? Or dinosaurs appearing out of no where and rampaging around the world? Or the world get controlled by a computer virus? Life is just so boring! I want excitement to happen everyday that I get bored of it and want back this boring life. I want the Laws of Physics to be broken! I want the Earth to revolve around me! I want fun and excitement to happen everyday so I can enjoy them with all my friends! I want to go on adventures that no man has every ventured! All I want is fun! FUn! FUN! Ok. If you are still reading this, you are probably getting bored of this crap already. Let me tell you about parents. Parents think they can do anything they want and anything they like with your life. My mom always pushes the jobs and work to me so that she can enjoy watching tv or reading the papers. My dad always come up with really convincing words that can make me regret for asking him something that he doesn't want me to do, like going for scout meetings for more than one time a week. Argh! Why do parents think that they can do whatever they like?! It's horrible the way they treat your life! "I was your age before." is what they say, but it was not your generation, time and year you were in when you were in our age! What's the difference between life 40 years ago and now? BIG DIFFERENCE!!! That's what it is! "Get of the computer, two hours is enough for you." Like Hell, right! Two hours?! That's honestly not enough! If you think you can finish a super exciting long series manga in two hours, think again! It's just like watching your Cantonese dramas! You want to watch the next episode right away! If you have the chance to do so, grasp it! It's a dog eat dog world out here! If you are too late, it will be gone! Look at Crunchyroll! There are more than 50 animes I wanted to watch on it, gone! Why?! Because two hours is not enough! So is one week! Get this into your head and learn for the rest of your life. The stronger human wins, but that depends on which category the strong goes to. One man can be strong by having physical power, but another can be strong without it. Life goes on...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Freak of Nature

That's what Marcus calls me since I've got the addiction to Rubik's puzzles. We were at 1Utama hanging out after watching Monsters VS Aliens in 3D and we went to Toys"R"Us because I had the urge to buy the Rubik's 5x5x5. Earlier there were 7 of us, Joshua, KL, Marcus, Ken, Vegi, Melvin, and me, not including Kelly and Samantha whom we met there. At Toys"R"US, I had the shock of my life as I saw Rubik's Bump Cube on sale! Including Rubik's Magic and Rubik's Snake. You can say I went crazy. I was so excited I borrowed 50 bucks from Joshua to buy the Rubik's Bump Cube. We then went to UBowl to bowl a game of 3. While I waited for my turn, I ripped open the box and started solving the Bump Cube. It was amazing! I felt like my eyes were shining and my cheeks hurt because I was smiling from ear to ear. The Bump Cube was easy to solve as I just had to use the Rubik's 3x3x3 beginners solving method. After everybody left, my family came and we had dinner at Chilli's. Then, my sis and I hit Toys"R"Us and I bought the other puzzles. Happy, happy~

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Very Vegi Birthday

Hahaha, there are no pictures but I'm sure Kelly has 'em. We went to Vegi's birthday party and had quite a good time there. I reached there at 7 and mixed in fast with the others and kinda helped with the food. Well, I did not help with the BBQ but I did help hand out the plates, forks, spoons and sporks. I gave Vegi a can of Anything and Whatever each and a mug. We talked and joked and I think I came up with a lot of lame jokes impromptu. The best dish was the pasta and the seafood potato crab. In the late evening, we played around in the little playground. Most of the boys rocked hard on the see-saw and the girls hanged around the swings and the slides. More of the pasta and crabs came and some of us had some more. Some people started to go home.

When night fell, we played Detective and Murderer, and Doctor at a veranda. More people went home and we decided to go into the house because it was hot. We had some time in the living room and then in a group, Sam, Mior, Meow and WM left one by one. After Xin left, Kelly urged Vegi to open her present to see his reaction. Turned out he wanted a wallet because Kelly got him a wallet and he was a little surprised over it. Vegi opened mine and showed his mom the cans of Anything and Whatever. Teck gave him a Tsubasa Chronicle OVA DVD. Sam and someone (most of the presents had no name on it) gave him toy cars (Hotwheels and Matchbox). He got three t-shirts (Hang Ten, Padini and forgot), and lots of chocolates. Xin gave him an ang pow worth RM100. I left after talking to him for a while.

Sweet Seventeen Vegi!!
(Hahaha, got no picture of you so had to use your Facebook avatar.)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I had finished the anime, Code Geass and Code Geass R2 and I decided to check out the manga version of it after learning that the manga and the anime are slightly different. Oh, what a suprise I had when I saw the drawing style of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. The difference was big as in the anime every character had a mature feeling and was thin and tall but in the manga, everybody looked chibi! Oooh! How cute! I can't come to think that the beginning chapters of Code Geass are so chibi and yet the plot of the story was full of war and misunderstanding. This shock also came to me after watching Bamboo Blade before reading the manga of it. I really admire the ability of the anime artists to change the chibi looks of manga characters into cool looking figures in the anime.