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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Because I had nothing better to do on this blog

Congratulations for even bothering to change the font into something that you can read. Oh well, since you had the heart to do so, I'm just gonna talk about my boring life of waking up everyday and not experiencing anything out of the ordinary. Why does this world must be ruled by the simple boring Law of Physics?! It's just so darn boring! Why can't a time traveler just appear before me and say that I am God? Or getting almost killed and getting a super ability from some unknown girl with a weird name? Or waking up and finding myself in a world full of strange creatures that I have to catch using balls and battling other people using those creatures? Or find myself transferred into a village full of insane people who kill each other and not getting found out by the police? Even if it won't happen to me, why can't it happen to the surroundings?! Like a giant meteor hitting my school and destroying it! Or Earth getting terrorised by aliens from another galaxy? Or dinosaurs appearing out of no where and rampaging around the world? Or the world get controlled by a computer virus? Life is just so boring! I want excitement to happen everyday that I get bored of it and want back this boring life. I want the Laws of Physics to be broken! I want the Earth to revolve around me! I want fun and excitement to happen everyday so I can enjoy them with all my friends! I want to go on adventures that no man has every ventured! All I want is fun! FUn! FUN! Ok. If you are still reading this, you are probably getting bored of this crap already. Let me tell you about parents. Parents think they can do anything they want and anything they like with your life. My mom always pushes the jobs and work to me so that she can enjoy watching tv or reading the papers. My dad always come up with really convincing words that can make me regret for asking him something that he doesn't want me to do, like going for scout meetings for more than one time a week. Argh! Why do parents think that they can do whatever they like?! It's horrible the way they treat your life! "I was your age before." is what they say, but it was not your generation, time and year you were in when you were in our age! What's the difference between life 40 years ago and now? BIG DIFFERENCE!!! That's what it is! "Get of the computer, two hours is enough for you." Like Hell, right! Two hours?! That's honestly not enough! If you think you can finish a super exciting long series manga in two hours, think again! It's just like watching your Cantonese dramas! You want to watch the next episode right away! If you have the chance to do so, grasp it! It's a dog eat dog world out here! If you are too late, it will be gone! Look at Crunchyroll! There are more than 50 animes I wanted to watch on it, gone! Why?! Because two hours is not enough! So is one week! Get this into your head and learn for the rest of your life. The stronger human wins, but that depends on which category the strong goes to. One man can be strong by having physical power, but another can be strong without it. Life goes on...

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