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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Very Vegi Birthday

Hahaha, there are no pictures but I'm sure Kelly has 'em. We went to Vegi's birthday party and had quite a good time there. I reached there at 7 and mixed in fast with the others and kinda helped with the food. Well, I did not help with the BBQ but I did help hand out the plates, forks, spoons and sporks. I gave Vegi a can of Anything and Whatever each and a mug. We talked and joked and I think I came up with a lot of lame jokes impromptu. The best dish was the pasta and the seafood potato crab. In the late evening, we played around in the little playground. Most of the boys rocked hard on the see-saw and the girls hanged around the swings and the slides. More of the pasta and crabs came and some of us had some more. Some people started to go home.

When night fell, we played Detective and Murderer, and Doctor at a veranda. More people went home and we decided to go into the house because it was hot. We had some time in the living room and then in a group, Sam, Mior, Meow and WM left one by one. After Xin left, Kelly urged Vegi to open her present to see his reaction. Turned out he wanted a wallet because Kelly got him a wallet and he was a little surprised over it. Vegi opened mine and showed his mom the cans of Anything and Whatever. Teck gave him a Tsubasa Chronicle OVA DVD. Sam and someone (most of the presents had no name on it) gave him toy cars (Hotwheels and Matchbox). He got three t-shirts (Hang Ten, Padini and forgot), and lots of chocolates. Xin gave him an ang pow worth RM100. I left after talking to him for a while.

Sweet Seventeen Vegi!!
(Hahaha, got no picture of you so had to use your Facebook avatar.)

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