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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Canteen Day

Today I went back to BU(3) to attend their Canteen Day after my classes at college ended. Unfortunately when I got there in afternoon, it was raining. My dad let me use his new umbrella and I headed into the school.

Because it was raining, everybody took shelter under tents or in the school building, some even went into their classes. I went to the canteen first and I spotted Denise. She was selling onigiri as the Japanese Club was selling sushi and other Japanese food related stuff (frozen azuki?). She gave me a hug and then pardoned herself to continue selling out the plate of onigiri she was holding. Timothy spotted me and he talked to me for a moment until I saw Abby's mom, I greeted her and the next thing I knew was Abby asking to borrow my umbrella. So off she went with my umbrella to get her car so that she, her mom and aunt can leave the school. I got my umbrella back soon after checking out on the stall the Japanese club members were at. Julian was busy making sushi so he did not notice me there. Wilson talked to me for a bit and then proceeded to ask me to purchase sushi or their hand-made emoticon sticks. He then also said that he was in the Computer Club but decided to help out at the Japanese Club stall. That kinda reminds me of the SOS Brigade and the Computer Club members.

I got my umbrella back soon after and then I proceeded to move towards the playground the scouts had built. I stood there for about five minutes before Maverick noticed me, he was lying down on the floor watching the rain under the shade they made with fly sheets. They asked me to look around but I decided not to because the rain was still kinda heavy. I moved on towards the assembly grounds where the librarians and other clubs which-I-do-not-know-what-they-were were at. As I was moving towards the tents at the assembly grounds, I saw Wei Mae and we waved at each other. Haha.

Somewhere between here (↑) and there (↓), SenzO followed me around. My memory is kinda messed up.

Rin was shocked to see me. She had this oh-my-god-what-is-he-doing-here kind of expression. She first asked me why was I there at BU(3) and not at college. Haha. We chatted a while with SenzO joining us and then we decided to go somewhere but we had no where to go. Haha. We ended up at the canteen where we chatted and talked about random stuff and then we decided to go to the library.

Seriously, I wasn't expecting anything from the library. I still have the dull, boring image of the school library in my head when Mr. Wong was still running the library. Now, the library looks so much fresher and brighter! Thanks to Pn. Tan! Yay~ Even though nothing much had changed in the library, it somehow feels a lot more welcoming compared to the time when I was still in this school. Guess the library's atmosphere will change according to the person in charge of it. We met Bao Jin there and I think Bao Jin had shrunk. I remember Bao Jin as a little bigger sized but now she looks so small and tiny... And she's as scary as ever.

We sat at the library and chatted until I noticed the sky outside had turned brighter. I decided to go and pay the playground another visit so SenzO followed me and we headed to the school field. I got to go in for free because I had no intention of playing whatsoever. I was observing the construction of the catapult when a football hit my umbrella, destroying it! No... Bending it. The ribs of the umbrella were dented badly. While remembering the umbrella I broke earlier this year and my mom and thinking of fixing the umbrella in my hand, without thinking, I grabbed the one of the bent ribs of the umbrella and tried to bend it back. The Malay boys who were playing football just laughed and asked for their ball back. I was furious! There was no form of apology from them! Just thinking about them, I angrily used more force on the rib and then I felt this cold, solid and stinging feeling in my thumb. I let go of the rib and looked at my thumb and right there was a deep wide cut which started oozing blood soon after. I did not feel any pain and the first thing that went through my mind was 'god dammit'. I went back to the entrance of the playground and the scouts started to ask if my umbrella was okay. I think I had this pissed of look on my face because some the Form1s who recognise me as 'Mr. Jian-Yong' started to have this look which signifies fear. I asked for someone to help me hold on to my umbrella and bottle while I went to the toilet to wash my wound and put on a plaster. The cut was really deep. While I was making my way to the toilet my thumb dripped blood and the stinging feeling from the wound got stronger. Great! Another broken umbrella and another cut in my hand. Just what I need.

I then went to the canteen to look for SenzO because he disappeared after I came back from the toilet. There I met up with Timothy and Ivan. SenzO, Tim, Han Chuen and I soon got together and we chatted at the canteen. Yat Hong called me and we decided to meet up there and soon after, he got here in his school uniform and carrying his school bag. Haha. We went to the librarians stall because he wanted to buy food and we greeted Pn. Tan. As Yati ate his food, I thought of going into the haunted house but I was indecisive. Then after wasting some time, I decided to go. I put my stuff in the library and asked if Rin and SenzO wanted to come along but they refused, SenzO wants to go for free and Rin was scared. But when Yati and I got to the counter, they stopped receiving costumers because Canteen Day was about to come to an end and there were still so many people waiting for their turn behind the counter. Sigh. So Yati and I decided to go back to plan and hang out at Center Point. We grabbed our stuff said our goodbyes and left. Bao Jin wanted to bring Rin and follow us but after finding out that we were gonna walk to Center Point she decided not to. Haha.

PS: Happy Ponytail Day! I totally forgot to mention it while I was at college and at school. Haha!

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