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Monday, July 12, 2010

The Masks They Wear

Extortion. Something bullies do to earn free money. But guess what, it doesn't just happen between bully and victim anymore. It also happens between sisters. Idiotic sisters who dream of having big houses, expensive cars, hi-tech cellphones and all those absurd things that my family cannot get because if we did, we would be broke and apparently those two dumb asses don't give a damn about that, they just keep going and going on about us being a miserable family with only one proper car and lousy cellphones. If only they did not join cheer leading and meet those rich ass cheer leading friends of theirs, this wouldn't have happen.

Just now at dinner, we were having a peaceful dinner when my younger sister, Hui told ordered my youngest sister, Ying to iron her school uniform because 'she owns her two weeks' because there were a few times when Ying had to borrow Hui's uniform because I don't know why the fuck. Ying said that this should be the last week but Hui insisted it's not. Obviously here, Hui is lazy to iron her school uniform and wants Ying to do it for the rest of god dunno how long. Ying complained and my mom told Hui to not take hold of the opportunity and trick Ying to iron her school uniform. Then suddenly this retarded topic turned into Ying owing Hui money. There was once when Hui and Ying went to Tropicana resort to visit their respective friends and end up meeting each other after Ying's visit was over. Ying did not have money so she borrowed money from Hui to eat at the club house and as usual, Ying, who doesn't bother to check the price of the food she ordered owes Hui 40 over bucks. So now she doesn't have money to return it to Hui but Hui kept extorting her to return it because Hui doesn't have any money left to spend. Hold on a second! Not 'doesn't have money to spend', she screamed at me saying she has to use her 'own' money when I told her to not be such a bitch and force Ying to return her money. But from what she said, 'use her own money', does it that she has been using other peoples money? What's 'her money'? She screamed that it's the money she saved and the ang pau money she got and she meant that the allowance mom gives us is not her money but then where does the 'saved money' come from? Her allowance! And why is Hui running out of money? Simple, she's been spending her money on clothes and other stuff. What a fucking retard! She needs a punch to her fucking face! And she better fucking bleed and lose some teeth! How can you extort money from your own siblings when you are spending money like water. Now she's complaining that her Biology teacher is teaching her class in Malay instead of English when it's suppose to and my mom told her to transfer to BU(3) but she doesn't want to and continues to complain about her teachers. What a fucking retard! How much more retarded can she get!? It's so freaking obvious that Hui does not show this horrible face of hers outside the house. Another thing, at home, she screams and shouts and uses her poisonous mouth to hurt us no matter who we are including my parents especially my dad and when she's out of the house, she's as quiet as a mouse! And her blog, she posts posts to make it sound as if she's such a good girl. Her blog and her real self are total opposites like night and day. Such a hypocrite. And this retarded prayer dude from the giant onion is not praying for fucks sake! He is screaming into the microphone! That's not praying! What the fuck?!

Because of Hui's poisonous mouth and those extortions, Ying cried because she thinks crying will solve everything. Gah. I won't rant about Ying. She's too much to rant about. It's also her fault that she got into this mess. She did not actually borrow money from Hui, she playfully told Hui to treat her at the club house and expected it to happen because she's the ultimate spoilt brat. She once even said that hosts must, not should, treat their guests food and she now says that she hates this friend of hers because she did not treat her food when she went to her house. What. The. Hell.

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