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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's The Letter Bee

Yeah, I was suppose to post this last week but I forgot about it.
Well, there was this bee in class before our paper started and this bee (or hornet) kept flying around the front door of the class, where Ken and I were sitting. The bee landed on my hand and I gave a high pitched scream (or rather, a screech) with surprise and shook it away. Later, it landed on my hand again but this time I calmly waved it of my hand and Ken and I watched it slowly crawl around the floor and then onto Darryl's pants! Lol. We decided to keep quiet and see what happens.

We were taking when suddenly there was a commotion at the back of the class near the teacher's table. Yubs (or someone, forgot who) came over chuckling saying that Keong got stung in the leg by a bee. Later I learned that the bee crawled up to Darryl's neck and by natural reaction, smacked the bee away and unfortunately the bee landed on Keong's leg and he got stung. The bee then was stomped on by Darryl.

For the next two days, one bee (or hornet) would enter the class and fly around. Xin said that the bees were coming for revenge over their dead "brother" and indeed, the bees flew somewhat near Keong. Last Thursday, the bee that flew in got sliced by the ceiling fan and fell on Samantha's uniform causing a large stain on it. After the paper we had, Xin was joking that the bees targeted Samantha because she had killed and preserved a bee in a container full of liquid and kept it in the class.

How I remembered this bee event? A bee (or hornet, again, I couldn't really identify) flew into the class and went back out. Haha. Darryl who sits in front of me jumped when he saw it hovering above his head. I calmly reminded myself that bees can sense fear and went back to my stupid add math paper.

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