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Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Rush, The Rain, The Surprise, The Search and The Cube

Today my add math tuition started earlier than usual at 10am instead of the usual 10.30am. Let's see... What my brain recorded right after I wake up. "Hey! It's almost 10 already!" my mom's voice makes me jump out of bed, race to the washroom and brush my teeth. As I went to change my clothes, the clock points at 10. I jog down the stairs, run to the computer, grab my bag (which was packed earlier in the morning at 2am) that was hanging on the chair, drank my cup of water, grabbed a packet of IKO biscuit and out of the door into my mom's car and zoom.

Later when tuition was almost over, I heard thunder growling from above us. So once I paid my teacher, I speed walk out of the house get wishing Kim goodbye and quickly walked across the park in front of the house as my teacher puts his books in his car and drives away. This is the first time I crossed the pipe bridge so quickly, I almost fell into the drain. Then I quickly made my way to my street. Soon I felt rain drops on my face. "Oh crap" was in my head. Then, I ran. As soon as I got into my house, my mom told me to cut some pandan leaves for sweet potato thong sui, I got out, cut five leaves ran into the house and then like 10 seconds later rain poured down heavily.

So after my mom left for her Chinese knot class, I lazed around and played with Patches. Then after the thunder stopped, I started to use the computer. When I got in, I came here and was surprised at the sudden raise in votes. Rena and Konata beat Yakumo and Ryogi! And somebody voted for Inoue some more but she can't beat Holo. Haha. Still I start to feel sorry for Inoue. Oh yeah, C.C. pwns!

I got down to Wikipedia and started to do my research for qualifications to be an anime animator in some companies but no results, even after I went to the webpages (Kyoto Animation, Studio Pierrot and Aniplex) and Google. Bahh... How am I suppose to know if I need a degree or just A levels to get a job at any one of those companies?! I wanna be a seiyu...

So after that I resided at YouTube watching some videos by MeMyselfAndPi. He made some videos about his Void Cube and some updates about getting it and how some Hong Kong guy from eBay sent him the wrong cube. Oh, he also made a really awesome snow sculpture of a Rubik's Cube! It was so cool! There was also a anger management video on how to destroy your 4x4x4 Rubik's Cube. Then there was a Dollar Cube's destruction, and a video about cheap V-Cubes. I went to check out the websites he recommended, v-cubes.com and cube4you.com. They have a bunch of puzzles I want but they are EXPENSIVE! But I still wanna buy them. I also have my eye on some cool Square1 puzzles with different shapes and some limited edition V-Cube 7s, V-Cube 7 "Dazzler" and V-Cube 7 "Illusion". There's also the Cubedron. Wow. I guessing Nakajima-san bought his new Gigaminx from cube4you.com because they have the DIY Gigaminx that looks like Nakajima-san's. Wait till I get to Japan! I'm gonna buy puzzles in frenzy! WHOAOH!

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