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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

WTF (When Time Flies)

The weirdest shit happened when I logged into my computer, my wallpaper wasn't there and the icons on the screen were large and were not mine. The screen showed a sense of newness. I was petrified! I was so shocked my heart jumped out of my mouth, screamed and fell onto the floor and flopped around like a fish out of water. After what felt like 100 years of shock, a message popped out saying that I did not log into my computer properly and that I'm at a temporary account. First thing that came to my mind was "What the fuck.", then "Shit." and then "Refresh". I hit the Restart button and waited again.

But another fuken weird shit happen again. After typing my password, I saw my "Life is like Rubik's Cube" wallpaper and felt relieved. Then I saw something that made my skin turn cold, most of my icons disappeared! I obviously panicked. I clicked at the empty spaces where icons used to be but nothing. I gave up as my head started to throb. At least all my important files and downloads did not disappear. I still don't feel comfortable as I'm still wondering what happened to my computer. I gotta ask Josh or Ken about this. Man, it was also a terrible day already, slept too much during exam, my mom is nagging me for not making dinner, Rena is losing and I have Malay tuition later! Gaaah... I'm sick of all these already...

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