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Sunday, September 20, 2009

食べ食べ食べ食べ食べ!!! (Om Nom Nom Nom Nom!!!)

4 packets of soba noodles, 1.4 liters of soup and 10 minutes to gobble 'em up. Yup, I took the Sushi King's Big Bowl Challenge at Ikano Power Center.

We (my family and I) got up at around 9a.m. as my mom planned to eat breakfast at Ikea. I sms-ed Yati to see if he was coming because he was the one to get me to do the challenge with him but until 1p.m. he did not reply my messages.

Before heading to Sushi King for lunch, we (except my dad who went to meet his friends somewhere else) went around Ikano and The Curve. I saw Khai just before going into Daiso and WM at the escalator going to Ikano (or was that him? lol).

Oh yeah, I only had a small chicken wing and half a cup of tea for breakfast so that I can eat up the big bowl which I did not know how big it was. Haha. Before going to Daiso, my mom took us to Sushi King to look at the size of the bowl and get information about the challenge. I was pretty confident.

Lunch time, my dad met us at Daiso and we went to Sushi King. We got our seats and I ordered the Big Bowl Challenge. The rest of my family did not order anything yet because they wanted to see me take the challenge.

So here's 4 packets of soba noodles and 1.4 liters of soup. I started stuffing as much noodles as I can into my mouth.

And then I realised something, the noodles was HOT! The steam was all in my face!

I ignored the heat and continued to swallow, chew, stuff noodles in my mouth and exhale (because I thought exhaling the air out would help).

Oh yeah, because of the steam, my mucus were pouring out. Yucks, hehe.

4 minutes on the clock, I was still gobbling.

I had one minute left and all I had to do was to drink the soup and the soup was still HOT!! Here, I realised that my tongue was rough.

Drink! Drink! Drink! That's 1.4 liters of soup to you, dude!

But I failed. Argh! I felt like I lost to Abigail in 3x3 Rubik's speed cubing. Which is almost impossible because Abby can't beat me in speed cubing. Haha!

I was tired. Almost my whole mouth was scaled, the skin of the roof of my mouth peeled off and I could not taste anything from the tip of my tongue to the center and the surface was rough. Yeah, I was damn full and I felt like puking. Until now, at night, I'm still not hungry. Well, just a little. Haha.

As if he knew, Yati replied my message while the rest of my family ordered their lunch, I told him I did not take the challenge so that when he reads this post he'll regret it! If you're reading this now, in 'yer face, Yaya!

Well, after reflection time, I should have asked to let the noodles cool down a little before eating. Gah! Now my mouth is still painful and I wanna drink something cold. Hmm... Ice cream Soda... Anyway, hopefully I get over this feeling of defeat and take on another eating challenge again. How 'bout eating grapes huh? Kekekekekekeke...

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