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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

'Cuz I'm Hot And I'm Cold

The weather today really messed up me. In the morning it rained, so it was cold. I took my hoodie to school and manage to survive the cold but there was a side effect which I call the kotatsu effect.

Terminology: Kotatsu Effect
Definition: Kotatsus makes people who are using it feel lazy, sleepy, etc. (Check out one of the episodes in Nodame Cantabile to learn more) Thus, kotatsu effect makes people feel lazy, sleepy, etc.
Source: Mah Brain

As my hoodie made me feel warm and cozy, I also felt sleepy and during Add Math paper 1, I was day dreaming! My mind was floating around the world and into space. Luckily I manage to finish without rushing. Later after recess, the Sun came out and blazed the skies. It was hot! Even thought without my hoodie, my mind was not connected to my body. I was again day dreaming during Add Math paper 2. After the paper, I had headache and I felt dizzy and sleepy. Later at tuition, I was stressing my mind out to do homework. I felt horrible. Plus, the hyper duo, Eva and Sonia were bugging my mind. During that time, I became The Ken and kept sighing. Haih.... Kyon mode, continuous facepalming.


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