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Monday, September 28, 2009

Looking Because It's Seeing

I've surfing some of my friends blogs and yes! I still like Jason's blog the best. He's quotes are smart yet he's random.

Random+Smart=Ranart or Smadom(?)

Some people just need to update their blog because from my point of view, their blogs are shouting,
"Hello?! I'm old and boring now!! Can you read me?! I'm like making people come in and leave after seeing that I'm not updated you know? Hello?!"

Some people are just posting lots of weird updates that are boring and long and uh... weird. I don't know if they have nothing to do or what but it bugs me to think that how on Mars do these people have so much to talk about? I bet if they were to write an essay about one day in their life they can do it 100 pages with 100,000,000,000,000 words to hand in.

For me, I need better things to post. You know? My life is so boring, when I look at Min's blog I go,
"How on Pluto can she have so many things to do in life? I wanna go out where I can experience stuff and enjoy life like there's no tomorrow. But there's next week."

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