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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Cube Talk

I recently cleared out all my Pokemon cards from my toolbox and put my Rubik's puzzles in it. Luckily for me, I manage to fit all of my Rubik's related things except my 5x5x5 and my Pyraminx and a silver sticker for the Rubik's Bump/Mirror Blocks Cube.

On the top, I put my 2x2x2, my Rubik's Magics, my mini Rubik's Cube, the tube of lubricant, the screw drivers for my speed cube, my extra strand of wire for the Rubik's Magic, the chain that was connected to my mini Rubik's Cube, and my old Rubik's Cube cubies.

The inside are all my cubes, my speed cube, my bump cube, my 4x4x4, my Sudoku Cube, my Rubik's Snake, my Megaminx and the Rubik's booklets and cube stands along with some stickers for my cubes.

The lone rangers are my Pyraminx and my 5x5x5 which are placed on top of my toolbox.

The broken core of my old Rubik's Cube. I keep it in my desk. I'm trying to think of a way to make use of it. So far, all my ideas have flaws because of the red broken center cubie.


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